Veterinary Doctor Cholwe Sasa is saddened by the high number of people who tend to have canal knowledge of domestic animals.

Police in Lusaka have arrested a 52-year-old man of Garden Compound for the offence of Bestiality. The man who has only been identified as Lungu was found on two different occasions having carnal knowledge of his dog at his residence in Garden Compound.

Dr. Sasa popularly known as the Kopala Vet has described the act as inhuman and states that this is the reason why certain diseases keep emerging and are incurable.

He says people should understand that bestiality puts human beings at risk of contracting diseases which are not only difficult to diagnose but can be fatal.

Dr. Sasa further says these immoral acts are a clear indication that people have mental issues and it is therefore imperative that sensitisations on the dangers of engaging in these irresponsible acts are conducted immediately.

He adds that people should also be aware that having sex with a domestic animal is illegal and warrants imprisonment.

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