The Civil society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (CSO-SUN) has expressed concern over the confiscation of about 200kg of unfortified industrial sugar from suspected Rwandese Nationals by the Zambia police after a tip off from the general public.

 CSO-SUN Alliance Nutritionist Majory Chilufya states that the revelations are worrisome as the nutrition security of the nation is at stake as the unfortified Sugar was being sold in Lusaka’s George Compound where members of the public are likely to have consumed the pre-packaged industrial sugar sold at a home shop.

According to Ms. Chilufya, fortification of sugar is a measure to bring down the high levels of vitamin A deficiency common in children under the age of five and reproductive women.

CSO-SUN has since urged members of the public to be cautious and vigilant in checking the packaging and labelling of food items that are sold on the market especially pre-packaged foods and drinks.

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