New Energy Science and Technology Engineer Bornface Zulu says the Zambian government must clearly explain the contents of the MoUs they have been signing in the energy sector with other countries on behalf of the Zambian people.

Mr. Zulu tells Flava News that although the signing of these MOUs is a fantastic development for Zambia, it is crucial for the government to explain, in simple language, the contents of each MoU, so that ordinary Zambians can understand what the country stands to gain and what is expected from them.

He notes that transparency will ensure that the sovereignty and integrity of Zambia is protected, despite being an impoverished nation.

Mr. Zulu is of the view that it is crucial to highlight the importance of outlining the terms and conditions of each MoU and the consequences if the government fails to deliver on its commitments.

He further states that it is also essential for the Zambian government to expedite the implementation of these MoUs to fully-fledged projects as implementation is critical in addressing the energy crisis in Zambia.

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