New Hope Movement for Multi Party Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Mumba says the answer to the paradox of a rich continent against a poor population hangs on the morality and integrity of its leaders.

Dr. Mumba tells Flava News that until countries find a way of raising, supporting and instilling God fearing leaders, the vast resources of Africa will continue to be wasted through greed and corruption.

He notes that the unity of Africa is cardinal in overcoming poverty and conflicts, adding that the unity of Africa will create a strong economic and social block which cannot be manipulated.

Dr. Mumba says the vast resources of Africa must first benefit the African people but for this to happen, the local political and civic leaders must start to think beyond their individual national borders and start to look at all Africans as one people. 

He further observes that African nations must start to speak with one voice at the African Union and all other regional organisations to reshape Africa into a more secure and prosperous continent.

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