Copperbelt Cross Border and Integrated Business Association Acting Secretary General Poster Jumbe has emphasised the importance of leveraging Zambia’s land-linked position to boost the cultivation and export of staple foods to neighbouring countries.

Mr. Jumbe says the significant demand for maize and mealie meal in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), presents a valuable opportunity for Zambian farmers to increase production and export surplus. He notes that the market for Zambia’s staple foods is expanding, with growing demand in Tanzania and Malawi, underscoring the potential for Zambia to capitalise on its strategic geographical location.

In addition to advocating for increased agricultural production, Mr. Jumbe has called for the promotion and growth of the agriculture sector. He believes that encouraging more locals to venture into agriculture will not only lead to higher production but also the creation of jobs, particularly for the youth.

Mr. Jumbe says there is need to view agriculture as a serious business, stressing its potential for locals to sell produce beyond borders. By tapping into the opportunities presented by the demand in neighbouring countries, Zambia can further solidify its position as a key player in the regional agricultural market.

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