Centre for Governance Executive Director Patrick Mnthanga has issued a plea to all political players, both within the government and opposition, urging them to prioritise coexistence and focus their debates on developmental issues and policies rather than engaging in personal attacks or insults.

Mr. Mnthanga emphasised the need for politicians to refrain from spending excessive time attacking each other and engaging in character assassination, highlighting the detrimental impact such behaviour has on the country’s development.

According to Mr. Mnthanga, the continual exchange of malice and insults among politicians impedes national progress and hinders constructive discourse on crucial matters affecting the nation.

He stressed the urgency of enacting laws that regulate political conduct to prevent the recurrence of verbal attacks and character defamation by politicians, underscoring the necessity of establishing parameters to ensure disciplined communication within political parties, advocating for responsible and respectful dialogue among all stakeholders.

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