Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) National Programmes Chairperson Regina Katongo says the launch of the Forensic DNA laboratory is a welcome move stating that it will go along in solving defilement and sexual abuse related cases.

Before the launch of the K11 million laboratory at Levy Medical University (LMMU), Zambia used to send DNA samples to South Africa for examinations.

Speaking in an interview with Flava News, Ms. Katongo says it is important that victims and communities are sensitised on preserving evidence, stating that it is high time the Police start to deal with some cases in a timely manner.

She notes that people have taken advantage of defilement cases or cases that require DNA evidence by destroying the evidence and the lab presents an opportunity to improve investigations.

And Advocacy on Human Development Executive Director Chris Mweemba says the commissioning of the forensic lab is one thing and managing it is another, stating that the challenges being faced at the cancer clinic should be a reflection point.

Mr. Mweemba says it is the hope that the lab will be fully operational in full capacity and that the charges for taking DNA tests will be affordable for the ordinary Zambian.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police Graphel Musamba says the newly-commissioned Forensic DNA Laboratory has already dealt with five paternity cases. Musamba said lack of a DNA facility in the country led to alarming increase in Sexual and Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases.

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