As Zambia joins the rest of the world in commemorating the World Milk Day under the theme ‘Enjoy Dairy’, the Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) Alliance has advised Government to create a conducive and enabling environment for milk and milk products to be easily accessible and affordable to all Zambians.

CSO-SUN Interim Country Coordinator Daniel Kalala says the importance of milk and milk products in human diets cannot be overemphasised.

Mr. Kalala observes that Zambia has continued to experience a low intake of milk and milk products with an annual average intake per capita of 37 litres. This, when compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation of 200 litres per capita per annum is extremely low and there is need for deliberate efforts to ensure that the consumption of milk and milk products is enhanced.

Mr. Kalala pointed out that according to the 2022 livestock survey, Zambia’s milk production is estimated at approximately 90 million litres of milk per year which against a population of 19.6 million people is extremely insufficient if every Zambian is to meet their daily milk requirement.

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