In a resounding success for the inclusive UAE COP-28 conference, Zambia emerges poised to capitalise on the positive outcomes for the betterment of the nation. Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Collins Nzovu, has expressed Zambia’s commitment to leveraging the anticipated increase in financial flows resulting from agreements made at the conference to bolster the implementation of crucial climate change programs at the country level.

In outlining the way forward, Minister Nzovu detailed the government’s proactive approach. Through his ministry, they will meticulously follow up on all engagements made during COP28, employing an action matrix to ensure that the country reaps the full benefits of the agreements reached.

Reflecting on Zambia’s participation at COP28, Mr. Nzovu highlighted the myriad benefits garnered, particularly in terms of financial opportunities. The conference has set the stage for Zambia to attract significant investments in the years to come. The dialogues and agreements forged during COP28 are expected to result in a substantial inflow of funds into Zambia’s economy, catalysing the nation’s journey toward a sustainable future.

However, Mr. Nzovu cautioned that the realisation of these benefits hinges on the successful implementation of projects and programmes. The government is now tasked with translating the promises and agreements into tangible actions that will positively impact the environment and the overall well-being of Zambia.

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