John Lijimu, a governance advocate, has highlighted the pivotal role played by civil society organistions (CSOs) in providing a vital voice for citizens and holding governments accountable.

In an interview, Mr. Lijimu emphasised that CSOs focus on specific issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and social justice, advocating for policy changes and raising awareness about pressing societal concerns. By spotlighting these issues, CSOs exert pressure on governments to take action and address issues that may otherwise be overlooked.

Mr. Lijimu has also underscored the watchdog role of civil society organisations, noting that they monitor government actions and ensure officials are held accountable for their decisions and policies. He has called for increased registration of CSOs, emphasising their importance as critical voices in society.

Mr. Lijimu has urged government not to dismiss or suppress critical voices but to engage constructively with civil society organisations. He states that collaboration between governments and CSOs is essential for promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance.

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