Copperbelt based economist Manase Siwila says the corruption fight must be of economic benefit to the country and not used as a conduit to propagate political fights.

Mr. Siwila has also urged the investigative wings in the country to fight corruption without political bias, adding that they are undertaking this important exercise so that the country can benefit economically.

He points out that the fight against corruption if well handled will allow the economy of the country to thrive as resources can be chanelled to essential activities like provision of quality healthcare services, education, road infrastructure, clean safe water among other necessities. 

He notes that Zambia is a poor country and when people are prosecuted without sufficient evidence, the state ends up having to compensate purported suspects of corruption.

Mr. Siwila states that while the efforts by the new dawn government to fight corruption are commendable, it is clear that this is being done with political bias, noting that the country has seen this before and the country has not benefited on an economic front from targeting perceived political opponents.

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