Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States Chibamba Kanyama, says there is need to recognise the challenges Zambia is facing in trying to revitalise its economy.

Mr. Kanyama said this in his opening remarks in Atlanta, Georgia at the Shifting Mindsets Conference organised by the Zambia Leadership Foundation (ZLA) and Association of Zambians in Atlanta.

The Ambassador said the Government continues to appreciate the Diaspora and the U.S Government’s efforts in partnering with Zambian organisations and he adds that this is the time for the Diaspora to leverage the rise in economic optimism following debt restructuring and position themselves as they contemplate how Zambian entrepreneurs could take advantage of pro-private sector budget.

Mr. Kanyama said patriotism should drive the Diaspora into taking the step to invest back home by leveraging on the enabling macroeconomic environment that exists, as opposed to waiting for Government to offer contracts for business.

The Conference will focus on pushing forward Zambia’s Economic and Cultural Diplomacy agenda with plenary discussions on culture, knowledge, social, health, financial and culture interests that include, amongst others: African Women’s Leadership in Decolonizing History, Culture and Arts, “Opportunities for Diaspora Engagement”, and “Creating Generational Wealth”.

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