Association of Mine Suppliers and Contractors President Costa Mwaba says the Association is behind government in addressing the challenges being faced by contractors and suppliers.

Mr. Mwaba adds that investors must also recognise various stakeholders in their engagements, stating that they only engage and listen to government leaving out the contractors and suppliers and they want to see a different situation going forward where investors work with various associations.

And Kitwe and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Emmanuel Mbambiko says if government does not legislate to ensure that local contractors are given a window to supply through the law, they will not be motivated and will continue to fall behind.

And Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe says government is refining the local content policy, noting that the whole mining sector needs to be reset and old policies need to be done away with and the new one is being implemented through the Mineral Commission Act.

Mr. Kabuswe says most of the challenges some contractors faced were due to political affiliation hence the need for government to refine the local content policy as well as to depoliticise the mines

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