According to Chainama Hills Mental Hospital, stress is the leading cause of Mental Health problems in Zambia and over 21, 000 people are affected every year.

Mental Health Specialist Pastor Purpose Daka has expressed concern with the situation and has called for deliberate policies and a legal framework that will require employers to introduce mental health management in companies, organisations and institutions.

Pastor Daka tells Flava News that another major cause of stress leading to mental illness is that many average Zambians want to live beyond their means of income and end up being stressed out as there is a certain status quo they want to maintain.

He is of the view that the country must begin to introduce a policy that will make companies and institutions come up with mental health administration for their workers.

Pastor Daka notes that currently there are many employees that are losing jobs due lack of failure to manage their mental well-being and this calls for concerted efforts in addressing this problem.

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