Some stakeholders have called on government through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to construct modern markets across the country in order for the local authorities to make revenue as well as for marketeers and vendors to trade in a conducive environment.

Socialist Party National Chairperson Kelvin Kaunda has challenged the United Party for National Development (UPND) to consider constructing modern markets across the country.

Mr. Kaunda tells Flava News that the Local Government Minister needs to show the country which markets his government has put up before pursuing the agenda of taking vendors off the streets.

He states that the first thing that the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development should have done was to construct markets across the country so that marketeers are trading from a conducive environment.

He states that this will help the country, traders as well as the local authority maximise revenue, adding that it would be good for local authorities to put into consideration all these issues if most problems in markets are to be addressed.

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