The Media Liaison Committee (MLC) has raised serious concerns over the government’s application to conduct closed-door proceedings in the ongoing gold scandal case. The committee, through its chairperson Ernest Chanda, has expressed apprehension about the potential implications of adjudicating the case behind closed doors, emphasising the importance of transparency in matters involving government actions.

Mr. Chanda has highlighted the adverse impact such a decision would have on both media outlets and citizens, asserting that a public trial is essential for the media to fulfill its role in disseminating detailed, ethical, and factual information from the courts.

The MLC argues that transparency is crucial, as keeping the case in camera could give rise to suspicions of a cover-up, eroding public trust in the legal process.

The committee has underscored the public’s right to be informed about how their resources are managed, especially in a case involving a valuable national resource like gold. They further argue that a transparent legal process ensures accountability and upholds democratic values, serving as a deterrent against corruption by sending a clear message that wrongdoing will be exposed and dealt with openly.

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