The Media Network on Child Rights and Development (MNCRD) has noted with dismay the reported arrest and detention of an 8-year-old boy at Lusaka’s Matero East Police Post and has described the incident as a clear case of corruption.

It has been revealed that the victim spent the night in a police holding cell after he got in a fight with a 12-year-old girl. It is alleged that the child was not allowed to see his mother and police officers at the station where he was detained demanded K1, 000 for his release.

Responding to queries on the matter, Zambia Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga disclosed that the child was unconditionally released while officers at the station have been asked to submit reports for their questionable conduct.

MNCRD Executive Director Henry Kabwe says such incidents have been normalised in the system and protection of citizens by the police should not be compromised by their willingness to protect themselves even in wrongdoing.

Mr. Kabwe warns that any individuals that are championing activities that jeorpardise the welfare of Zambian children should be made to account for them and justice should be sought for the affected child.

He adds that the Child Code Act is clear on the protection of children and this matter should be brought to a logical end and should not be allowed to fizzle out like all trends do in the country.

According to the Penal Code, children under the age of eight years cannot be held criminally liable. A child who has attained the age of eight years, but is not yet twelve years old, can be held criminally liable for his or her acts or omissions, but only “if it can be proved that at the time of doing the act or omission he [or she] had the capacity to know that he [or she] ought not to do the act or to make the omission.”

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