The Emeralds and Semi-Precious Stones Mining Association of Zambia (ESMAZ), alongside the Federation for Small-Scale Mining Association and other mineral mining groups, have voiced serious concerns over what they perceive as undue pressure from certain officials within the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, particularly in the Cadastre Department.

ESMAZ President Victor Kalesha has expressed dismay at the perceived attempts to disadvantage Zambian miners through threats of altering mining license regulations. Mr. Kalesha has condemned these actions as potentially harmful to Zambia’s mining industry, suggesting they could be politically motivated to incite reactions against the government.

Mr. Kalesha criticises the alleged lack of engagement with stakeholders on proposed changes, highlighting the confusion caused by contradictory statements, such as recent remarks from the President indicating intentions to prioritise Zambian ownership of licenses.

The mining associations fear the cancellation of over 2000 licenses owned by Zambians and question the motives behind such actions, urging for transparent and inclusive decision-making processes that prioritise the interests of Zambian miners.

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