Zambia National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL) Copperbelt Board Member Komiwe Zulu has expressed sadness over the tendency by some people and family members of protecting suspects from facing the law when they have committed a crime.

Ms. Zulu observes that there are many people in abusive marriages because they tend to keep secretes all in the name of protecting their union and family dignity, a situation that normally results into spouses killing each other.

She charges that it is time to break the barrier of hiding family members who break the law because it is a contributing factor to the high crime rate and incest in families.

Ms. Zulu points out that a lot of women and girls are sexually abused by family members and this thwarts efforts to end sexual and gender based violence.

She has since urged family members not to be scared to report perpetrators of crimes to the relevant authority so that the law can take its cause.

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