The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) has revealed that there is a rise in sexual gender based violence cases among children in Solwezi District.

YWCA North Western Regional Coordinator Chileshe Mwape says teenage pregnancy and defilement cases are increasing and she disclosed that in the first quarter for this year, the Association has received about 156 cases which is higher than the figures in the previous quarter.

Ms. Mwape reveals that of the 156, five were GBV cases against men while the rest were defilement and teenage pregnancies and she adds that the majority of these were children who are victims of sexual violence followed by teenage pregnancies and defilement.

YWCA has attributed the rise to various factors among them economic challenges, traditional beliefs as well as myths among others and has called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to curb the vice.

And Chief Mumena says the revelations are worrisome as the increase tells that there is some breakdown in law and order as well as family values.

He says the family is meant to be a safe haven for both children and the elderly but wondered why some family members would engage in such vices.

The traditional leader also wondered why some children are left roaming the streets when they have relatives who can take care of them and he said there is need to build strong family relationships and values in order to deter such vices.

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