Governance analyst Wesley Miyanda has hailed Zambia as a notable example of a democratic state, citing the country’s robust political landscape characterised by over 100 registered political parties.

Mr. Miyanda emphasises the significant democratic space afforded to these parties, enabling them to freely advance their ideologies and actively participate in governance by providing checks and balances to the government.

Mr. Miyanda points to accolades from reputable organisations, such as Afrobarometer, which rated Zambia as one of the fastest-growing democracies in Africa. He also highlights a report from Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), placing Zambia third globally in democratic progress, trailing only Maldives and Brazil.

This recognition, Mr. Miyanda argues, underscores Zambia’s commendable efforts in upholding the rule of law and promoting freedom of expression, essential pillars of good governance.

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