There is overwhelming evidence of environmental law violations in mining exploration expansion in some parts of the country.

Early this month, Green Economy and Environment Minister Collins Nzovu disclosed that the source of the manganese poisoning that recently affected some Manganese mine workers in Serenje District has been traced.

The Minister said government in collaboration with the manganese mining companies, is doing everything possible to prevent manganese poisoning.

Environmental Expert Lovemore Muma tells Flava News that the challenge is that the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) has insufficient capacity and man power to monitor environmental law violations across the country.

Mr. Muma states that before any mining exploration takes place there is need for such a firm to do an environmental impact assessment which should be approved by ZEMA.

He has further called on government to invest more in ZEMA in order for the agency to expand monitoring on firms that are violating environmental laws and ensure they comply with the licenses that have been given.

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