Lead Foundation Zambia Activist Lucky Kalunga has commended the state for the life imprisonment sentence that has been handed to the abductors saying that this is a sign that the country is fighting gender based and sexual violence in the country.

Yesterday, Lusaka High Court Judge Charles Kafunda sentenced abductors James Bwalya and Mathews Sikaonga to life imprisonment (650 years) with hard labour for abducting and sexually abusing 13 young women last October. Pamela Chisumpa, a mobile money agent was among the 13 girls abducted by the two convicts last year.

Mr. Kalunga says the judgement will send a warning to perpetrators of sexual violence to desist from the act and he has since urged all women and men going through any kind of sexual violence not to shy away from reporting the perpetrators.

Lead Foundation Zambia has further urged government through the judiciary to continue handing stiff punishments to perpetrators of gender based violence and sexual violence. 

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