The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has taken note Zambia’s fairly good performance on levels of peacefulness as contained in the 17th edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI).

SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe states that the GPI ranks 163 sovereign states and territories as per their levels of peacefulness and this number of states and territories covers 99.7% of the global population measuring peace across three domains namely: the level of societal safety and security; the extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict; and the degree of militarisation.

Mr. Cheembe notes that while there is a slight deterioration in the levels of peace as indicated by the 2023 GPI, SACCROD remains hopeful that with steadfast focus on peace fundamentals, the country stands a good opportunity to continue climbing up the peace ladder.

The 2023 GPI shows that the country is now ranked as the 63rd most peaceful country in the world enjoying a ‘high’ state of peace. This is a slight deterioration from the 2022 GPI when Zambia was ranked as the 56th most peaceful country in the world.

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