Community Action against Corruption (CAAC) Chief Executive Officer Brightone Tembo has urged Parliament to quickly consider enacting a law which will compel political parties to disclose their sources of funding.

Mr. Tembo points out that this is because it is very difficult for parties in power to avoid corrupt advances of those who funded them and it is part of the reason why huge Government contracts are sometimes given to questionable people without experience and capacity to undertake such projects.

Mr. Tembo says the core of this matter is based on the fact that corruption in governments is partly fueled by the people who fund political parties, both the ruling and the opposition parties and the so called party well wishers; hold their beneficiaries at ransom when they form government.

Mr. Tembo says it cannot be denied that secret political party funders compromise the capacity of governments to fight corruption and weaken the integrity of government under the adage “scratch my back and I will scratch yours”.

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