Albert Malunde, an albino residing on the Copperbelt, has called upon government and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security to intervene in seeking justice for cases of violence against people with albinism. Mr. Malunde’s appeal comes amid growing concerns over the lack of resources and will within law enforcement agencies to protect individuals with albinism, leading to unchecked cases of violence and impunity.

In an interview with Flava News, Mr. Malunde recounted receiving threatening phone calls and being chased by unknown individuals. Despite reporting the issue to a police station in Ndola three weeks ago, no action has been taken, with suspected culprits released without investigation.

Expressing deep sadness and frustration, Mr. Malunde highlighted the systemic lack of seriousness towards the security concerns of people with albinism, pointing at their perpetual state of fear and perceived indifference from the police. He discloses that none of their cases are taken seriously, leaving the albino community feeling unprotected and vulnerable.

He has urged the Zambia Police to prioritise their security concerns, noting the urgent need for law enforcement to address threats against their lives promptly and effectively.

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