A civic leader in Kitwe district has spoken of the need to explore improved methods for appointing Speakers of the National Assembly to prevent issues of perceived partiality.

Ndeke Ward Councillor in Kitwe’s Kamfinsa Constituency Davies Kasengele conveyed to Flava News that there is a necessity to consider subjecting the appointment of the Speaker to a national vote, allowing the entire nation to participate in the decision-making process.

Councillor Kasengele has expressed concern that the current method of appointing Speakers may compromise the democracy enjoyed by the country and diminish the voice of the common citizen of Zambia, which is expressed through their elected Members of Parliament (MPs).

According to Mr. Kasengele, the appointment of Speakers has the potential to undermine the democratic values the country upholds, and he proposed a more inclusive approach to ensure a fair representation of the nation’s sentiments.

Mr. Kasengele expects the National Assembly to maintain a neutral stance, urging all MPs to set aside their political affiliations when engaging in debates on national matters. Additionally, he emphasised the importance of respecting MPs when they express their opinions in the House.

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