On 14th November, 2023, the Kitwe City Council issued a Site Vacation Notice to Mobile Booth Traders situated along Oxford Road Town Centre. Signed by Kitwe Town Clerk Patrick Kambita, the letter instructed traders to vacate the trading site by 16th November, 2023, following an engagement meeting with the Booth Traders Association on 7th November, 2023, at the Civic Centre.

However, Mobile Booth Operators dispute having attended any meeting with the local authority on the specified date and express surprise at the short notice given, as they received the letter on the 15th. The Kitwe Mobile Money Booth operators have expressed disappointment with the Kitwe City Council’s lack of clear communication regarding the booths along Oxford Road.

Dimas Chitondo, one booth operator, informs Flava News that their current operating location was legally allocated to them by the local authority. He laments the lack of an alternative space provided and describes the situation as regrettable, especially given the challenging economic conditions in the country.

Lyson Musukwa, another booth operator, criticises the process for adversely affecting their businesses and questions why the youth are not receiving adequate support from leaders. He recalls earlier assurances from the local authority that the booths would not be relocated and appeals for sufficient time to make the necessary adjustments.

In a statement, Pastor Robert Lukwesa has appealed to all leaders in the district to consider the plight of the booth operators. He notes their contribution to local taxes, citing a monthly payment of K300 to the local authority.

Pastor Lukwesa has urged leaders to engage with the traders before making decisions about their trading places.

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