The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has assured members of the public that it is doing everything possible to address the reported shortages of fuel being experienced in the country.

ERB Manager – Public Relations Namukolo Kasumpa discloses that the Board has received reports from Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) who have had import challenges related to the scarcity of foreign exchange (forex) on the market coupled with the depreciation of the Kwacha against the United States Dollar, especially in the last six months. As such, this situation is expected to improve as the Kwacha appreciates against major currencies.

The observed pockets of fuel outages at selected filling stations have been attributed to logistical challenges on the part of respective OMCs that operate the retail sites.

Mrs. Kasumpa adds that this situation is expected to improve as the Kwacha appreciates against major currencies.

She states that in order to ensure that there is a reliable and continuous fuel supply chain in the country; the ERB is undertaking routine fuel stocks monitoring working in collaboration with TAZAMA, INDENI and OMCs.

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