The Copperbelt Civil Society Mining Consultative Forum has commended the government for the decision made on Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) Assets which it says has been long overdue.

Speaking on behalf of other co-signed organisations, Democratic Governance and Human Rights Advocates (DEGHA) National Coordinator Gerald Mutelo who is Forum Chairperson states that while they are cognizant of the many challenges and legal implications that characterised the running of the mine, they are displeased with the failure by the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development to engage the forum despite several official requests made to participate in consultations.

Mr. Mutelo has urged the Minister to endeavour to be accountable and transparent to the people especially those domiciled in areas of concern and the forum has since requested that government must make all relevant partnership agreements public in the interest of transparency and accountability; these documents include the Implementation agreement, shareholders’ agreement and scheme of creditors.

The Forum has also urged the Government to expedite enhanced Mining policy and laws and develop a tax reform bill that includes new mining royalties that guarantee citizen benefits and protection of natural resources from exploitation.

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