The Media Liaison Committee (MLC) has taken note of changes that have been made at the Ministry of Information and Media where Cornelius Mweetwa has replaced Chushi Kasanda as Minister, while Thabo Kawana has been elevated to the position of Permanent Secretary taking over from Kennedy Kalunga.

MLC Chairperson Ernest Chanda states that this development does not come as a shock or a surprise to the media fraternity because from the time the New Dawn Administration took over governance of the country, a number of election campaign promises that fall under this ministry have not been delivered.

He says that it is no secret that, among other issues, the Access to Information bill has taken longer than envisaged to be enacted into law, while the Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC) bill that was submitted by the media fraternity to the Ministry of Information and Media soon after the 2021 general elections has stalled.

Mr. Chanda points out that the Zambia Daily Mail and Times of Zambia have been operating for years without a board, while happenings at the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) where non-media people are heading the board are equally worrying.

The Media Liaison Committee is expectant that the New Minister of Information and Media will change this trend and recognise the role of journalists in media development, adding that filling up these boards with political party aligned persons with no media background is retrogressive and injurious to these institutions.

Meanwhile, Bloggers of Zambia CEO Richard Mulonga says the organisation is confident that the two appointments will add value to the media landscape in Zambia, further urging the two appointees to prioritise and address key issues affecting the media industry as it has been over two years now since the UPND government assumed office and major progress on enacting the Access to Information bill and reviewing the Cyber Security and Cybercrimes Act, which has a major impact on journalism practice is yet to be seen.

Mr. Mulonga adds that Bloggers of Zambia looks forward to supporting the Minister and his team to enhance the media operating environment, which has deteriorated over the years due to lack of investment and policy direction that is expected to sustain the media as the fourth estate.

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