The Zambia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) has called upon local authorities from city, municipal and district councils to leap-frog commercial developments, light manufacturing and effective service delivery by enabling the operating environment is clear of  street vending and unplanned trading spots.

ZACCI Chairperson & President Dr. Chabuka Kawesha states that what is being seen taking root across all major towns is now disappointing and embarrassing both to well meaning established and prospective local and foreign investors and is eroding the confidence levels of operating in a clean town environment.

Dr. Kawesha has since urged the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to revisit appropriate by-laws and implementers that will influence clean business and residential pockets countrywide.

He states that actualisation of private sector growth anchored on real sustainable economic growth with viable industrialisation needs effective town planning, adding that clean towns will also guarantee reduction of opportunistic infections triggered by unhygienic market spots as well as reduce risk of disputes between unplanned street traders and investors fighting over choice locations.

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