Senior Chief Anang’anga Imwiko of Lukulu and Mitete has advised Government to consider introducing a 24 hour business environment in order to keep the country’s economic wheels running non-stop.

And the traditional leader says the recent debt restructuring deal reached with bilateral lenders should lead to a shift in the country’s commercial and social activities.

Speaking at his Palace when he received UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda on Wednesday, the Chief said the economic status of the country does not support excessive public holidays hence the need to scrap some of them and allow for continuous running of economic wheels.

He cited the manufacturing sector as one that needs to run non-stop by increasing working hours to avoid the stop gaps being currently experienced saying this trend has a negative effect on economic development.

He said this will double the country’s production output and increase on its export capacity.

He however expressed concern at the poor working culture among Zambians and called for a drastic change of mindset if programmes such as the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) are to meet the desired outputs.

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