ZESCO limited has granted amnesty to customers on meter bypasses, illegal lines and illegal connections to have the situation rectified as it could affect all prepaid customers.

And ZESCO Revenue Protection Officer Pius Chibwe has urged all members of the public that have meter bypasses, illegal lines and illegal connections to go to the power utility company’s offices in their areas and report themselves.

He says that as soon as one reports themselves, a verification team will be sent out to verify what the situation on the ground and he adds that ZESCO at its own expense will rectify or normalise the illegal connection without any consequences or retribution to the customers in question.

The amnesty period will run from 1st April to 30th May and all members of the public have been urged to take advantage of this period and report the cases before the end of the amnesty period.

Mr. Chibwe has warned that after the amnesty period elapses, ZESCO will conduct door to door inspections and customers who will be found with meter bypass, illegal connections or illegal lines will be liable for a jail sentenced with a minimum of five years.

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